Originally from Pará capital, Belém, Adenir dos Santos is 27 years old, holds a degree and a Master in Law, lawyer, with extensive work in public advocacy.
For him, the constant search for fulfillment in every sense is what a person should do. The candidate says that there is no limitation and inconsistency between dreams, because every person is unique and brings with it feelings and desires as individual as Him, being the other respect and hope that it can be realized in its fullness.
As for Mister Brazil, he says: "I believe my different profile and training of staff, family and professional experience and many years in the midst of beauty contests, helped him to be chosen as representative of this state.
Currently the job and preparation for Mister Brazil take all the time in Para. Adenia has a team of top professionals to prepare for the event, a team handpicked and trained by a nutritionist, personal trainer, endocrinologist, plastic surgeon, physiotherapists, dentists and medical specialists in the field of aesthetic medicine.
Mister Para also has the guidance of big names linked to beauty contests, as its coordinator, Kátia Corrêa.
If Adenir wins, he'll be the second state representative to win the main title of male pageant in Brazil, since the first was Lucas Gil, Mr. Brazil and 1st runner up Mister World 2007.
source: http://misterbrasiloficial.com.br/2011/10/09/mister-para-2012/