Friday, December 16, 2011

Mister International 2011: Leaderboard #3 (Final)

The Final Leaderboard of Mister International 2011
(Click on image to enlarge)

Top 5
Mister International 2011: Brazil - Cesar Curti
1st Runner Up: Sweden - Marco Djelevic Virriat
2nd Runner Up: Slovenia - Zan Cvet
3rd Runner Up: Czech Rep - Martin Gardavsky
4th Runner Up: Korea - Ji Sung Oh

Top 15
6. Denmark - Mads Madsen
7. Slovak Rep - Jakub Murko Lorencovic
8. Norway - Nikolai Danielsen
9. Mexico - Sergio Felipe Meléndez
10. Thailand - Direk Sindamrongsi

11. Ireland - Brendano Lee
12. South Africa - Christo Du Plessis
13. Philippines - Fhrancis Lopez
14. Portugal - Fábio Duarte
15. Lebanon - Mohammad Al Hajj

Alternates: Spain, Venezuela, Indonesia, Vietnam, Latvia

See Also:
The 1st Leaderboard HERE !!
The 2nd Leaderboard HERE !!

Special thanks to our judges:
Chilton Sampono (The Ideal Beauty Team)
Eye For Beauty (Eye for Beauty Blog)
Jimmy Harris (Beauty School)
Ratna Kurnia (The Stunning Angels)
Zeph End (The Stunning Angels)

Banner by Zeph End

PS: I apologize if there are errors in the writing of the title, name, etc.